10W LED A19 Lamp 5000K (Non Dim)

Item # 593

FC Comparison For the 23W Spiral CFL Vrs 10W
(Item 593) Non Dimmable A-Bulb.

Test Condition-15/3Ft Dark Room
Instrument Used-LUX Light meter(TENMARS 202)
Overdrive Electronics Pvt Ltd
Date Oct 31, 2014


Fixture:-With Plastic Fixture, Height of Socket=9Ft



  1. 23W CFL Rated wattage is 23W But when used inside the enclosed fixture the lamp lumen and wattage drop a lot due to increase in Hg pressure which is common issue.

  2. Overdrive A Bulb Lumen drop by 8% once used inside the Fixture and FC value given are when lamp is used inside fixture.

  3. From above we can conclude easily that 10W LED Bulb is able to exceed the FC on the floor compared to the 23W CFL when used in base up condition

The test data is based on single lamp and the actual may vary in actual conditions and may vary from one lamp to another lamp due to manufacturer